for Senior students and 1st year LINGUE E LETTERATURE EUROPEE E AMERICANE students At the basis of the BIP, there will be the idea that cultural diversity is an asset, a resource. BIP participants will have the opportunity to come into contact with theories, tools and practical examples concerning educational and policy approaches to culturally diverse contexts. The programme aims to foster self-awareness about cultural processes, cultural identity and diversity starting from personal experiences and by using an autobiographical approach. The programme will also discuss dialogical, transformative and intercultural pedagogies, and space will be devoted to linguistic diversity, reflecting on […]
Register to one of the many online events dedicated to International Students! https://web.unipd.it/international/events/ https://web.unipd.it/international/events/open-weeks/humanities/
For over a decade, the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DiSLL) has been running a bi-national Master’s degree in Modern Philology, together with the University of Grenoble (France), cross-cultural online programmes such as Soliya, as well as foreign language theatre labs, international summer schools and conferences.
In recent years a considerable increase in international initiatives has taken place at the University of Padova and at DiSLL as well. Today, the Department hosts two double degree programmes (a bi-national and a multiple Master) and three international study paths where English is used as Lingua Franca.
DiSLL hosts and supports visiting professors and scholars from all over the world. It gives students the opportunity to have study–abroad experiences, in and beyond Europe, actively participating in the Ulisse programme of the University of Padova. DiSLL promotes the internalisation of curricula and is investing in the creation of a multicultural university community, by funding international study and research grants, also with refugee fellowships. Finally, the Departments works on innovative mobility, including blended-intensive programmes (Erasmus+) and virtual exchange.
Find out more on the international initiatives of the University of Padova here: https://www.unipd.it/en/go-global