Find all the information about your UniPD career on Uniweb. Doubts on how to use it? Students’ handbooks are available here.
Looking for information on courses and lectures, course materials, assignments, tests and more? Access the Moodle platform, each study path and class has a dedicated page.
Web agenda: fundamental tool to always keep an eye on your classes timetables and much more.

Did you know that you can have free Wi-Fi access in each UniPD building? Eduroam is an international roaming service for the whole higher education community adopted by the University of Padova as well.
University libraries and multimedia facilities: UniPD provides a vast bibliographic and informative heritage accessible from libraries and digitally. Moreover, there are dozens of study and computer rooms all over the city.
Tips on where to eat? Access to a variety of affordable food choices in canteens managed by ESU.
Funding & fees: discover all about scholarships, fee-waivers and part-time job opportunities here.